Crackerjack Team


Compositor: Não Disponível

The Sqare Of Grass, The Neon Light
The Pulsing Nerves, It's Time To Fight
The Goal Is Clear, Let's Win Tonight
The Stadium Lights Are Shining Bright

The Ball Is One, The Goals Are Two
We're Gonna Win - Thing That We Knew
Control The Pitch, Me And My Crew
We'll Win This Match, The Chosen Few

Crackerjack Team - We're Ment To Win
In Peaceful Rivalry

It's Time To Start, The Whistle Blows
The Tactic's Clear, The Preassure Grows
Defence's Tight, Their Attack Slows
Adrenaline's High, I Need This Dose

I Pass - You Shoot - The Simple Way
Play For The Crowd, And Watch Them Sway
We're Made Of Steel, They're Made Of Clay
We Take The Cup, We Won Today!

Crackerjack Team - We're Ment To Win
In Peaceful Rivalry

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